Affect Dysregulation...
Building on his landmark work from 1994, Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self, Allan Schore revisits his earlier findings, draws on his expansive ongoing theoretical rese ...
Building on his landmark work from 1994, Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self, Allan Schore revisits his earlier findings, draws on his expansive ongoing theoretical rese ...
Evolving Thought Field Therapy: The Clinician's Handbook of Diagnoses, Treatment, and Theory brings psychotherapy into the twenty-first century. Diepold, Britt, and Bender offer a comprehensive formul ...
The effects of war and terrorism can be long-lasting and discreet, emerging years later in different forms of psychological and physical strain in the body. In this groundbreaking work, Steven Silver and Susan Rogers uncover how new developments in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) can be successfully applied to the treatment of war and terrorism trauma.
Therapists trying too hard to appeal to their uncooperative adolescent clients risk losing cases before they are even underway. These kids are quick to pick up on the therapist who struggles to be helpful, be liked, make conversation, and not upset. So worried is the therapist about saying the "wrong" thing, he or she may wind up saying too little that is useful. The client withdraws int...
A practical guide to starting and running in-home services for families where a child has an emotional disorder. Preserving families in distress through therapeutic and other services delivered in the family home represents a significant evolution in children's services over the past two decades. This book addresses the full range of home-based service issues, including how to plan and d...
Children who have been traumatized and who cannot talk about their experiences-either because they have pledged their silence or because they do not know the words-will subconsciously call for help through their art. The development of the "human figure drawing" (HFD) and the "kinetic family drawing" (KFD) and their scoring systems has brought a standardization to the interview of these ...
Clinical and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy for Post-traumatic and Dissociative Conditions
Gracie hasn't left her house in thirty years out of fear she'll be contaminated. Jerry spent hours each day picking up debris on the subway platform. Norm's bridge phobia led him into alcoholism messed up his marriage and alienated his children. David - bright, young, ambitious - feared he'd lose his job because he so dreaded giving sales presentations. These are some of the people examp...
"A valuable and timely contribution to the field of trauma. It draws on a broad diversity of historical, political, and scientific knowledge, woven together in a clear, readable fashion." Patricia Watson, National Center for PTSD "A work of original and solid scholarship that will be a notable contribution to the study of traumatic stress." Patricia Resick, University of Missouri, St. Lo...
DCHAM SEM, signifie en tibétain, 'l'esprit compatissant', les mantras de ce CD contiennent un immense pouvoir positif afin d'atteindre la paix intérieure et le bien être. C'est seulement lorsque les gens possèdent la paix dans leur coeur qu'il est possible d'envisager une paix mondiale. Nous avons désespérément besoin de ce pouvoir pour réussir à atteindre la paix dans un monde qui est s...
Propos toniques et vivifiants qui nous incitent à rester des parents vivants, en devenir, en expansion et en mutation. L'amour d'un seul des parents n'est pas suffisant, pour assurer le passage de la relation bébé/maman puis mère, l'intervention du papa puis du père.
Etre à l'écoute de l'enfant en nous permettant d'oser réinventer la communication entre enfant et adulte, de sortir des malentendus, des violences cachées, des souffrances non-dites,...