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  • Categories: Human sciences
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Biomedicine - A Textbook for Practitioners of Acupuncture - Oriental M
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Biomedicine - A...

Regular price €109.95 Price €104.45

This beautifully designed two-color book is filled with over 100 detailed illustrations to help the reader better understand the material presented. Red-flag cases are included and clearly explained to help the practitioner decide when an immediate referral is necessary

Maternity Reflexology and Pelvic instability  (DVD)
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Maternity Reflexology...

Regular price €35.00 Price €17.50

The power of reflexology becomes more well-known every day. It is used worldwide. BeVo, the professional reflexology organisation in Belgium, organised it?s first conference about Maternity Reflexology and Pelvic Instability. Three speakers and four trainers shared their knowledge and practises with you.

Handboek Managementvaardigheden    3de editie
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Regular price €47.90 Price €23.95

Deze nieuwe editie van het Handboek Managementvaardigheden leert studenten en managers de managementvaardigheden die ze in het bedrijfsleven nodig hebben.

Acupuncture Techniques 2 : Additional Needling Techniques  (DVD)
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Acupuncture Techniques...

Regular price €35.95 Price €34.15

This DVD demonstrates a wide range of supplementary acupuncture techniques, giving a comprehensive overview , along with material on preparation and cautions. It includes discussions and demonstrations of methods such as three-edged needle, cutaneous needle, intradermal needle, electro-acupuncture, and point injection therapy. In addition, such methods as bloodletting, plum-blossom, seve...

Goutte d'or, l'Intemporelle - La métaphore de la goutte  (CD)
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Goutte d'or,...

Regular price €86.00 Price €81.70

Ces CD's sont conçus pour accompagner l'être humain (jeune et adulte) dans ses transformations, qu'elles soient physique, psychologique et/ou spirituelle. Vous pourrez prendre le contenu de cette métaphore comme un moyen d'agir sur les éléments de votre corps, ou bien envisager vos transformations psychologiques de manière non conventionnelle, pour accompagner votre évolution.

Acupuncture - An Anatomical Approach
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Acupuncture - An...

Regular price €94.50 Price €47.25

Addressing acupuncture from a unique perspective, Acupuncture: An Anatomical Approach abandons the traditional oriental medicine approach in favor of a carefully analytic scientific presentation.

The Desktop Guide to Complementary and Alternative Medicine
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The Desktop Guide to...

Regular price €45.00 Price €22.50

The 2nd edition of this highly successful essential clinical reference provides concise, evidence-based information on 69 popular forms of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), and 46 common conditions frequently treated with CAM. Each section has a clear and accessible design for quick decision-making, and includes an analysis of the most up-to-date research available. This hand...

Petit Traité D'Anthropologie
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Petit Traité...

Regular price €13.00 Price €12.35

Dans ce livre, Albert Piette décrit sa passion de l'anthropologie, en même temps qu'il précise les grands enjeux intellectuels de celle-ci : d'une part, la question des origines de l'homme,