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Theory of high dilutions and experimental aspects
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Theory of high...

Regular price €44.37 Price €13.31

In this work, the authors springing from different scientific disciplines set down in common their knowledge and experiences to provide one explicit model of the nature and of the working of "High Dilutions". This original and multi disciplinary concensus has, as consequence, integrated the mechanism of the High Dilutions into the corpus of the Science and is in harmony with S. Hahneman...

The evolution of psychotherapy, a meeting of the minds
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The evolution of...

Regular price €15.00 Price €7.50

Twenty-four of the world's leading theoreticians and clinicians discussed and debated their theories and techniques at the first Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference. Included are Beck, Bowen, Bettelheim, Ellis, the Gouldings, Haley, Laing, Lazarus, Madanes, Marmor, Masterson, May, Minuchin, Moreno, the Polsters, Rogers, Rossi, Sanford, Satir, Szasz, Watzlawick, Whitaker, Wolberg, Wolpe...

Conversations on succes   volume 6 - Candid, Insightful, Inspirational
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Conversations on...

Regular price €18.00 Price €9.00

Most of us want to be successful. Some of us spend more time than others dreaming of success, planning for success, and working toward success. For some, success comes easy, almost naturally. For others, it is as elusive as a summer breeze. One thing is certain, countless men and women have beaten the odds and achieved remarkable success, and in doing so, have learned lessons that can be...

Understanding Disease - A Health Practitioner's Handbook
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Understanding Disease...

Regular price €17.48 Price €8.74

This is a simple guide to understanding how diseases occur, their symptoms, and their effects. It is written for both practitioners of alternative medicine, as well as the layperson looking for a clearer understanding of common illnesses and medical terminology.

Maggot Therapy - A Handbook of Maggot-Assisted Wound Healing
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Maggot Therapy - A...

Regular price €34.95 Price €17.48

Impressive Results for Slow-healing WoundsAn Ancient Treatment - RediscoveredFly larvae have been used for centuries to successfully treat wounds. However, once penicillin was discovered, and antibiotic therapy became common worldwide, maggot therapy was forgotten. But now that bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to modern antibiotics, maggot therapy is experiencing a resurgence...

Tales of Enchantment - Goal-Oriented Metaphors for Adult
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Tales of Enchantment -...

Regular price €60.00 Price €30.00

This fascinating book is a major contibution to understanding psychoterapy as the art of narrative. The Lankton's masterful compendium of stories will help therapists move toward more imaginative and creative conversation with their clients (and colleagues)

Le Karma - Ce qu'il est, ce qu'il n'est pas, pourquoi il est important
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Le Karma - Ce qu'il...

Regular price €15.70 Price €14.92

L’enseignement du Bouddha sur le karma (littéralement « action ») n’est rien d’autre que son explication compassionnée de ce que sont les choses : nos pensées et nos actes déterminent notre futur, et donc nous sommes nous-mêmes largement responsables de la façon dont se déroule notre vie. Pourtant, on ignore souvent cet enseignement éminemment utile en raison des compréhensions erronées ...

Palo Alto se livre
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Palo Alto se livre -...

Regular price €16.90 Price €16.06

Les auteures de ce livre ont volontairement renoncé au formalisme académique en choisissant de présenter sous la forme vivante d’une suite d’interviews les travaux réalisés sur les thérapies brèves au M.R.I. de Palo Alto (Mental Research Institute).

Manuel d'hypnothérapie digestive
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Manuel d'hypnothérapie...

Regular price €15.90 Price €15.11

Dans ce précieux petit livre, l’auteur nous initie aux mystères des troubles fonctionnels digestifs et à la façon de les soigner avec l’hypnose, selon l’art ericksonien de l’ accepting et de l’utilizing.

Manuel pratique de thérapie orientée solution - Dialogues et récits
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Manuel pratique de...

Regular price €33.90 Price €32.21

Alain Vallée nous fait partager sa grande expérience et nous permet de comprendre de l’intérieur comment rendre une thérapie vivante. Voici un livre que tout thérapeute éricksonnien doit avoir dans sa bibliothèque. C’est un ouvrage simple, d’un praticien qui maîtrise parfaitement l’hypnose et l’approche centrée solution ; Steve De Shazer serait fier d’y retrouver l’esprit de sa pratique ...