Acupuncture, Visible...
Acupuncture: Visible Holism provides a theoretical complement to currently available guides to the clinical practice of acupuncture.The author presents the groundbreaking concept of acupuncture as - ...
Neale's Common Foot...
Neale's Common Foot Disorders is recognised internationally as an essential textbook and reference source for podiatrists and chiropodists - for students and established practitioners alike. In this new edition the editors have again provided an up-to-date overview of the practice of podiatry - the pathology and presenting features of the common conditions encountered, their diagnosis an...
Since most diabetics usually rely on pharmacotherapy without due attention to non-pharmacotherapies, their condition is often aggravated rapidly which brings not only adverse impact on their physical and mental health but also a burden on their families. This book concentrates on such non-pharmacotherapies as psychotherapy, kinesitherapy, Qigong therapy, acupuncture and moxibustion thera...
Solutions Step by Step...
All problems, even substance abuse problems, have exceptions; that is, times when the problem could have happened but somehow did not - when the client could have had a drink but did not, could have driven while drunk but gave the keys to a friend, could have gotten high before breakfast but went straight to work instead. Solution-focused therapy is based on this simple idea. Berg and Re...
The Clinical...
This book differs from the majority of Chinese acupuncture textbooks because it is not government sponsored and is not bound by a predetermined curriculum. The work is written in the spirit of teach ...
Joint Structure and...
Presents basic principles needed to understand human kinesiology and pathokinesiology, and discusses new research and hypotheses in the field. Material is organized around general principles of structure and function that are then applied to individual joint complexes using a cephalo-caudal, proximal-distal approach. Concepts developed in earlier chapters are integrated with and applied ...
Curiosity Recaptured -...
The technique has played an important part in my life, not only as a guide to physical management and health, but because I am by temperament disposed to examine and probe its psychological aspects. What Alexander called "inhibition", abandonment of bodily effort and conscious management which some other techniques call "non-doing", has helped me through many a difficult situation. A wri...