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Soigner l'alcoolique -...
Ce livre étudie les fonctions du groupe médicalisé, les rapports entre le travail en groupe et le travail sur soi, le rôle de l'association comme médiateur entre le médecin et le social. S'appuyant sur de multiples exemples, il constitue un ouvrage d'une extraordinaire richesse clinique.
Guérir avec l'EMDR
L'EMDR n'est pas un effet de mode passager, mais l'expression d'une découverte majeure : notre cerveau est naturellement équipé pour guérir de ses blessures psychiques. Il peut cicatriser. L'EMDR n'est que le moyen qui permet de remettre en route le processus de retraitement de l'information bloquée au jour de l'événement traumatique.
Sur l'interaction -...
Ce volume présente la somme collective des travaux de l'École de Palo Alto : on y trouvera, entre autres, des articles de Paul Watzlawick, John H. Weakland, Don D. Jackson, Janet H. Beavin... L'ouvrage propose à la fois des exposés théoriques et des analyses de cas concrets, souvent spectaculaires, où l'on voit en acte la méthode de la thérapie familiale.
Manger beaucoup, à la...
Dans la lignée de la thérapie systémique, l'auteur a reformulé les principes de la thérapie brève en insistant sur sa dimension stratégique. L'originalité de sa démarche tient notamment au refus d'étiqueter le patient : au lieu de comprendre le symptôme pour provoquer un changement, on tente de provoquer un changement pour comprendre le symptôme, en inversant donc la démarche traditionne...
Understanding Trauma -...
This book is about what follows the breakdown in functioning, either short or long-term, provoked by a traumatic event. What is distinctive about this book is that its authors offer a psychoanalytical understanding of the meaning of the trauma for an individual, illuminating theory with detailed clinical illustration and case histories. They show the process of treatment as their patient...
Since the initial publication of this volume, the field of traumatic stress studies has continued to grow at an unprecedented rate. The revised and expanded second edition now brings readers fully u ...
Creating Competence...
A practical guide to starting and running in-home services for families where a child has an emotional disorder. Preserving families in distress through therapeutic and other services delivered in the family home represents a significant evolution in children's services over the past two decades. This book addresses the full range of home-based service issues, including how to plan and d...
Anger - Alcoholism and...
"OK, I'm not using (or drinking) any more, but what do I do with my anger?" If a client finds no answers to this question, relapse is likely, fear will continue to poison the family atmosphere, and therapeutic gains will be jeopardized. Now, with this book in hand, counselors and therapists can help the recovering alcoholic or addict develop skills to manage anger and avoid outbursts of...
The Sky is Falling
Gracie hasn't left her house in thirty years out of fear she'll be contaminated. Jerry spent hours each day picking up debris on the subway platform. Norm's bridge phobia led him into alcoholism messed up his marriage and alienated his children. David - bright, young, ambitious - feared he'd lose his job because he so dreaded giving sales presentations. These are some of the people examp...
The Miracle Method - A...
Your spouse nags you about your drinking. Your boss suggests Alcoholics Anonymous. You know you have a problem. You need a solution; you need a miracle. This book presents a new approach to therapy.