Acupuncture and related techniques are increasingly being introduced into a wide range of health care approaches. This book gives a comprehensive introduction and international overview of these tec ...
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Acupuncture and related techniques are increasingly being introduced into a wide range of health care approaches. This book gives a comprehensive introduction and international overview of these tec ...
The human pelvis has recently become a focus for a considerable amount of new research which is relevant to manual therapy practice. In particular, movement within the pelvis is now being recognised and studied in relation to its role in maintaining stability in the vertebral column and subsequent implications for the prevention and treatment of low back pain.
Primary care often has particular demands - limited time to see many patients presenting with a broad range of conditions. This clear and easily accessible book focuses concisely on how homeopathy ca ...
This controversial book broadens the horizons of manual therapy to embrace adverse tension in the nervous system. Injury can impair the mobility and elasticity of the nervous system, which are both essential features of normal body movement. The author contends that the clinical consequences of altered nervous system biomechanics are unrecognised and that many disorders attributed to mus...
This book provides essentiel information on how movement is produced, how to recognize when movement is abnormal, what caused the abnormality, and what must be done to improve it. In this second edi ...
This book sets out to explain in detail how it comes about that an animal or a person is able to stand up and move about without falling over. The nature of the problem is spelled out, together with ...
Therapists trying too hard to appeal to their uncooperative adolescent clients risk losing cases before they are even underway. These kids are quick to pick up on the therapist who struggles to be helpful, be liked, make conversation, and not upset. So worried is the therapist about saying the "wrong" thing, he or she may wind up saying too little that is useful. The client withdraws int...
Une collection de nouvelles compositions au tabla égyptien et de solos à la percussion pour danse orientale. Une large palette de rythmes d'Egypte et du Moyen-Orient au Maroc, auxquels s'ajoutent de nouveaux rythmes de danse égyptienne composés par Hossam Ramzy. Pour chaque solo, des textes explicatifs sont fournis à l'intention des danseuses en ce qui concerne les rythmes, les indicatio...
Propos toniques et vivifiants qui nous incitent à rester des parents vivants, en devenir, en expansion et en mutation. L'amour d'un seul des parents n'est pas suffisant, pour assurer le passage de la relation bébé/maman puis mère, l'intervention du papa puis du père.
Etre à l'écoute de l'enfant en nous permettant d'oser réinventer la communication entre enfant et adulte, de sortir des malentendus, des violences cachées, des souffrances non-dites,...
This wide range of massage products is developed by the German Ulrich Metz. It all started with the Joya Classic, which he has developed to treat his own chronic pain. The Joya Classic is an oval wooden hand piece with a 30mm gemstone globe placed inside, which can rotate freely. This roller and his many successors, such as the Mini Massage Roller and the Massage Pen, are now very popula...