Highly realistic reproduction of the LEFT ear. Tear-proof silicone rubber.
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Highly realistic reproduction of the LEFT ear. Tear-proof silicone rubber.
Highly realistic reproduction of the RIGHT ear. Tear-proof silicone rubber.
Avec ces 64 métaphores et contes de sagesse et l’art de les utiliser pour provoquer le changement, c’est un outil vieux comme le monde que nous mettons entre les mains de personnes en questionnement face aux aléas de la vie et à celles qui les accompagnent, coachs, thérapeutes, formateurs.
Book slightly damaged (code bleu) --> 25%
Pulse Diagnosis: A Clinical Guide describes to both students and practitioners a reliable method of pulse assessment. The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) patient examination has a long history of use of the radial pulse as a diagnostic tool.
Acupuncture model show 360 points en 14 meridians in Chinese.
54 cm high, plastic base.
Acupuncture model show 360 points en 14 meridians in Chinese.
54 cm high, plastic base.