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The back pain revolution    2nd edition
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The back pain...

Regular price €71.95 Price €21.59

Accessible to all health care professionals, this text provides a guide to understanding and managing back pain and is one of the premier examples of a biopsychosocial approach to medicine.

Tratamiento de las arrugas mediante la cromoterapia
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Tratamiento de las...

Regular price €5.00 Price €1.50

Este libro pone al alcance de l profesional de la estética y la salud, un método sencillo, limpio y eficaz para la prevención y tratamiento de la arrugas faciales mediante la cromopuntura.

After suicide - A Workbook for Grieving Kids
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After suicide - A...

Regular price €20.00 Price €6.00

Since 1982, The Dougy Center, The National Center for Grieving Children - Families has provided peer support for thousands of children, teens and their families who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, or friend.

Lehrbuch der Strukturellen Osteopathie beim Pferd
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Lehrbuch der...

Regular price €175.00 Price €166.25

Pascal Evrard, Pferde-/Human-Osteopath und Gründer der International School of Equine Osteopathy, schafft mit vorliegendem Lehrbuch erstmals einen systematischen Zugang zur Strukturellen Osteopathie beim Pferd.

Ganzheitliche Vogeltherapie mit Homoeopathie und TCM - Konstitutionsbe
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Regular price €125.00 Price €118.75

Die ganzheitliche Behandlung von Vögeln setzt die Beschäftigung mit ihrer physisch-psychischen Persönlichkeit voraus. Die bekannte Autorin zeigt, wie dies gelingt.

Sedation und Anasthesie des Pferdes
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Sedation und...

Regular price €19.95 Price €5.99

Die tierärztliche Spezialisierung wird immer unabdingbarer - die fachliche Information dabei aber immer unübersichtlicher. In praxisnaher Form faßt der Autor die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse der Sedation, Anästhesie und Schmerzunterdrückung beim Pferd zusammen.

Chaos and Complexity - Implications for Psychological Theory and Pract
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Chaos and Complexity -...

Regular price €25.50 Price €7.65

The nature of this book is to emphasize the inherent complexity and richness of the human experience of change. Now, the author believes there to be an acceptable "scientific" explanation for this phenomona.

Models of Brief Psychodynamic Therapy - A Comparative Approach
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Models of Brief...

Regular price €51.40 Price €15.42

This practical and scholarly text presents a comprehensive review and evaluation of the theory, research, and practice of psychodynamically oriented brief psychotherapy. Offering in-depth discussions of the major clinical and theoretical approaches; chapters explore commonalities and differences in patient selection, theory of personality and psychopathology, theory of change, and techni...

COMPOUND Q -  Trichosanthin and its Clinical Applications
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Regular price €20.00 Price €6.00

"Even if someone knew nothing about trichosanthin, he would have a very good understanding of the subject upon completing this book. It is written in such a way as to make it accessible to both the doctor and the patient." Rui Jin, M.C.

La thérapie des attaques de panique
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La thérapie des...

Regular price €19.00 Price €5.70

La peur est une émotion fondamentale et raisonnable si elle déclenche les mécanismes de combat ou de fuite lorsque nous sommes en danger : elle peut donc nous sauver la vie. Ce qui nous handicape gravement, par contre, c'est la panique, la peur de la peur, la crainte préventive des réactions psychophysiologiques que notre organisme peut avoir face à ce que nous percevons comme une menace...