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Acupuncture in Black - White
The text organizes and examines the fundamental theories of acupuncture according to the different Yijing perspectives of The One, Two Poles, Four Signs, and Eight Trigrams.
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The text organizes and examines the fundamental theories of acupuncture according to the different Yijing perspectives of The One, Two Poles, Four Signs, and Eight Trigrams. This provides a simple, yet logical, way for the reader to come to understand all of acupuncture theory as being an extension of Yin-Yang thinking. The author makes the case that Qi is a perfectly rational concept that may be readily observed and demonstrated in everyday life. Acupuncture in Black and White provides a rational explanation and understanding of some of acupuncture’s more “mysterious” concepts such as possession, chronological acupuncture, and the ties between people and their environment.
Fiche technique
- Auteur
- GODWIN Jacob
- Rayon
- Acupuncture
- Publié
- 2009
- Pages
- 475
- Language
- anglais
Références spécifiques
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