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The Solution Oriented...
Pat Hudson distills her twenty-plus years of psychotherapy and radio counseling down to four essential solutions that can help women create the lives they want. These are the thinking solution, the action solution, the dreaming solution, and the feeling solution. The thinking solution focuses upon the questions you ask yourself about problems, helps you identify the stories you construct...
The Essential Book of...
Clinical Practice considers principles and methods of treatment, with an emphasis on herbal medicine and acupuncture. It introduces the reader to Chinese medicinal herbs, then discusses prescriptions in detail: interactions of ingredients, principles of` composing and rnodifying a prescription, classification of` prescriptions, and commonly used prescriptions. Much of the book is devote...
Chi Kung - Energy for...
Chi Kung, Energy For Life is a special edition, with unique contributions by 22 of the West's most respected Chi Kung practitioners: Linda Chase Broda, Jesse Dammann, Russell DesMarais, Ron Diana, John Du Cane, Bill Douglas, Caspar Garcia, Garri Garripoli, Damaris jarboux, Roger Jahnke, Jerry Alan Johnson, Mark Johnson, Marcia Kerwit, Richard Leirer, Dennis Lewis, Adrian Lowe, Tina Marr...
Dcham Sem - Inner...
DCHAM SEM, signifie en tibétain, 'l'esprit compatissant', les mantras de ce CD contiennent un immense pouvoir positif afin d'atteindre la paix intérieure et le bien être. C'est seulement lorsque les gens possèdent la paix dans leur coeur qu'il est possible d'envisager une paix mondiale. Nous avons désespérément besoin de ce pouvoir pour réussir à atteindre la paix dans un monde qui est s...
Research From China...
Translations of more than 500 random clinical trials from the Chinese Journal Literature
L'accouchement entraîne des modifications physiques et psychologiques considérables. Grâce aux deux séances de sophrologie contenues dans ce CD, vous pourrez parfait les appréhender et les maîtriser.
Biomedicine - A...
This beautifully designed two-color book is filled with over 100 detailed illustrations to help the reader better understand the material presented. Red-flag cases are included and clearly explained to help the practitioner decide when an immediate referral is necessary