Acupuncture - An...
Addressing acupuncture from a unique perspective, Acupuncture: An Anatomical Approach abandons the traditional oriental medicine approach in favor of a carefully analytic scientific presentation.
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Addressing acupuncture from a unique perspective, Acupuncture: An Anatomical Approach abandons the traditional oriental medicine approach in favor of a carefully analytic scientific presentation.
The 2nd edition of this highly successful essential clinical reference provides concise, evidence-based information on 69 popular forms of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), and 46 common conditions frequently treated with CAM. Each section has a clear and accessible design for quick decision-making, and includes an analysis of the most up-to-date research available. This hand...
Dans ce livre, Albert Piette décrit sa passion de l'anthropologie, en même temps qu'il précise les grands enjeux intellectuels de celle-ci : d'une part, la question des origines de l'homme,
LaStone-massagetherapie is een nieuwe, veelbelovende vorm van `bodywork', die voortkomt uit een eeuwenoude traditie. De Indianen gebruikten warme en koude stenen die ze op het lichaam legden.
This completely revised new edition provides an essential guide for all level 3 and 4 students of massage and aromatherapy. Includes material on baby massage, sports massage, and Indian head massage.
"It is happiness toward which our own nature obliges us eternally to tend" (Baron d'Holbach)
Many therapists provide psycho-educational information and recommend helpful literature to their clients as a means of promoting growth and change in between sessions. This unique sourcebook provides a comprehensive collection of over 100 concise, informative handouts for distribution to your current or prospective clients.
Voilà dix ans paraissait aux Etats-Unis la première édition de Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Entre-temps, la réhabilitation psychiatrique a acquis ses lettres de noblesse en tant que domaine de pratique et d'étude reconnu. Les Etats-Unis et de nombreux pays considèrent à présent la réhabilitation psychiatrique comme un élément important parmi les services contribuant au rétablissement des ...
Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Child and Adolescent Care highlights the contribution of complementary and alternative medicine to paediatric health care. In three clearly defined sections, it will be an invaluable guide for paediatric nurses, health visitors, and nursery nurses as well as other health practitioners including physiotherapists and occupational therapists : Sec...