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"It is happiness toward which our own nature obliges us eternally to tend" (Baron d'Holbach)
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"It is happiness toward which our own nature obliges us eternally to tend" (Baron d'Holbach)
Many therapists provide psycho-educational information and recommend helpful literature to their clients as a means of promoting growth and change in between sessions. This unique sourcebook provides a comprehensive collection of over 100 concise, informative handouts for distribution to your current or prospective clients.
Voilà dix ans paraissait aux Etats-Unis la première édition de Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Entre-temps, la réhabilitation psychiatrique a acquis ses lettres de noblesse en tant que domaine de pratique et d'étude reconnu. Les Etats-Unis et de nombreux pays considèrent à présent la réhabilitation psychiatrique comme un élément important parmi les services contribuant au rétablissement des ...
Taoist Master Loy Ching-Yuen, a teacher of martial and healing arts in the early 1900's from Shanghai, wrote The Supreme Way to give his students an understanding of how China's three great religious traditions have co-existed for two thousand years. Occasionally breath-taking in its description of the process of higher Taoist meditation, The Supreme Way also delineates Buddhist compassi...
Whether you're an aspiring health-care or fitness professional or you're dealing with serious illness, having a basic knowledge of the human body is a must. Covering everything from cells and tissues to organs and the various systems, this friendly guide clearly explains what the various parts of the human body are and how they work together to keep us alive.
Le terme "coaching" est issu du monde sportif. Un coach va permettre à une personne douée d'un potentiel exceptionnel de devenir la meilleure dans une discipline. Il exploite des dons et un talent pour les amener à atteindre un niveau maximal. Le "coaching" est destiné, a priori, à des êtres d'exception, à une élite. Le terme "skilling" est associé au développement d'une habileté, d'une ...
Minor Injuries is a unique and accessible guide to the clinical examination and treatment of minor injuries. It brings essential knowledge and skills together in a single text. A comprehensive range of conditions likely to present in each area is described with clear instructions on examination, as well as guidelines on whether to treat or refer. The effective treatments for most injurie...
Since most diabetics usually rely on pharmacotherapy without due attention to non-pharmacotherapies, their condition is often aggravated rapidly which brings not only adverse impact on their physical and mental health but also a burden on their families. This book concentrates on such non-pharmacotherapies as psychotherapy, kinesitherapy, Qigong therapy, acupuncture and moxibustion thera...
All problems, even substance abuse problems, have exceptions; that is, times when the problem could have happened but somehow did not - when the client could have had a drink but did not, could have driven while drunk but gave the keys to a friend, could have gotten high before breakfast but went straight to work instead. Solution-focused therapy is based on this simple idea. Berg and Re...