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Medisch materiaal

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SEIRIN® type B - 0.35x50mm, black handle, 100pcs SEIRIN® type B - 0.35x50mm, black handle, 100pcs
  • -70%

Seirin® 0,35 x 50 mm -...

Normale prijs € 13,00 Prijs € 3,90

Korte houdbaarheidsdatum : 31/10/2024 --> 70%

The new and improved SEIRIN® B-type needle includes some innovative enhancements to the popular acupuncture needle.Precise handlingThe form, design and colour of the handle of the B-type needle have been improved.You will be able to get a better grip of the handle thanks to the new corrugated form. A slip of the finger on the handle can now be almost totally ruled out.The needle has be...