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Acupuncture, Visible Holism - An original interpretation of acupunctur
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Acupuncture, Visible...

Normale prijs € 39,95 Prijs € 37,95

Acupuncture: Visible Holism provides a theoretical complement to currently available guides to the clinical practice of acupuncture.The author presents the groundbreaking concept of acupuncture as "visible holism," as well as an entirely new theory concerning the origins of acupuncture, the identification of the meridians, and the discovery of the acupoints.Acupuncture: Visible Holis...

Joint Structure and Functions - A Comprehensive Analysis   3rd edition
  • -70%

Joint Structure and...

Normale prijs € 60,00 Prijs € 18,00

Presents basic principles needed to understand human kinesiology and pathokinesiology, and discusses new research and hypotheses in the field. Material is organized around general principles of structure and function that are then applied to individual joint complexes using a cephalo-caudal, proximal-distal approach. Concepts developed in earlier chapters are integrated with and applied ...

Acupuncture - A Viable Medical Alternative
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Acupuncture - A Viable...

Normale prijs € 12,95 Prijs € 12,30

Throughout history, acupuncture has provided painless, low-cost, non-invasive relief for conditions ranging from back pain and headaches to cancer and AIDS. As Americans seck viable, costeffective health care alternatives, the benefits of acupuncture are gaining new respect in the West. In this guide, Marie Cargill, a licensed acupuncturist, demystifies acupuncture explaining: how and wh...

The Lost Secrets of Ayurvedic Acupuncture
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The Lost Secrets of...

Normale prijs € 12,75 Prijs € 12,11

Ayurvedic Acupuncture is based upon the Suchi Veda, a 3,000 year old Vedic text which in the Ayurvedic system is the Science of Acupuncture. It has been practiced as an accessory therapy since it was used in conjunction with other forms to effect healing. It belongs more correctly to the branch of surgery, one of the eight medical disciplines of Ayurveda.

Reiki Plus - Natural Healing
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Reiki Plus - Natural...

Normale prijs € 17,80 Prijs € 16,91

This handbook contains not only the history of the Reiki healing system, but aIl phases of giving a treatment to self and others. It includes many anatomical and hand placement charts that should give confidence to the beginning practitioner.

Anthroposophical Medicine - Healing for Body, Soul and Spirit
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Normale prijs € 15,20 Prijs € 7,60

Anthroposophical medicine is conventional medicine with an added extra dimension. For all its invaluable achievements, conventional practice is limited by its foundation on natural science - the science of the physical world. Diseases are analysed in terms of cellular disturbances and drugs prescribed to counteract physical symptoms. Yet, in order to understand what brings physical matte...

Traditional Chinese Medicine Self-Study Series II: Through-and-Through
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Traditional Chinese...

Normale prijs € 22,50 Prijs € 21,38

This book offers a clear illustration of the [continued modernization of acupuncture techniques.] These techniques, based on a long tradition, but increasingly subject to scientific investigation, have been used in developing areas to create a truly social medicine accessible even in rural areas where modern health facilities are not always available.

Applied Chinese Acupuncture for Clinical Practitioners
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Applied Chinese...

Normale prijs € 61,00 Prijs € 57,95

This book covers both traditional theories of Chinese acupuncture and the author's personal experiences in his many years of clinicalpractice. Over 200 cases are recorded in detail, covering nature, clinical manifestations, treatment, and practical and instructive remarks.

Réviser le passé pour construire l'avenir - Manuel d'auto-hypnose
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Réviser le passé pour...

Normale prijs € 13,50 Prijs € 12,83

Ceci est un livre d'autohypnose, un livre qui invite le lecteur, à chaque ligne, avec chaque exercice, à regarder à l'intérieur de lui ; les exercices sont conçus pour que le lecteur entre en contact avec ses ressources intérieures, pour ouvrir des portes et trouver des chemins, et ainsi résoudre d'une manière salutaire et protégée les difficultés qu'il rencontre.