160 Essential Chinese...
This book is a collection of 150 Chinese herbal patent medicines arranged according to treatment principles. Each medicine included has been selected because of its clinical utility as well as its 1) complete and correct labeling of ingredients, 2) freedom from contaminants, whether pesticides, heavy metals, preservatives, coloring, or Western pharmaceuticals, and 3) freedom from endange...
Traditional Chinese...
This book is an accessible and highly readable introduction to all the major aspects of this vast tradition. Tropics covered include: the foundation of traditional medicine in Chinese history; the theory of chi (energy) and how it influences health; the Chinese approach to health, happiness, and longevity; the use of Chinese herbal medicine and herbal formulas; diet and nutrition as a ...
Essentials of Chinese...
There are 318 commonly used herbs in this book categorized into 19 chapters based on their therapeutic effects. Every herb is introduced by its unique characteristics and compared to its related herbs. Guided by analysis and comparison, readers will be able to comprehend the major points of herbology, to differentiate among herbs, and to apply the knowledge with certainty. This book was ...
Oriental Materia...
From time to time for the past 2000 years. Chinese scholars have compiled botanical registers known as pen tsao, listing the varieties and applications of medicinal herbs in current use. The herbs so listed have grown in number from 365 (Han dynasty, A.D. 25) to 1894 (Ming dynasty, 1590), although the number in relatively common use today is considerably less than 1000. In the true spir...
Structure Activity...
Surveys over 120 species of plants, many of them used in Chinese traditional or folk medicine to treat cancer. Reports on the scientific screening of compounds isolated from plants that have shown cytotoxic and/or antitumor activity. Examines the structures of active compounds and mechanisms of action for sesquiterpenes, diterpenes, triterpenes, steroids, alkaloids, and others. Each yea...
Common Health Complaints
Descriptions of various common complaints and symptoms such as headaches, constipation, obesity, stff shoulders, acne and impotence.
Listings of proven herbal formulas effective against these complaints.
Personnal stories, vividly told, from the author's own experience as a practicing chinese herbal physician.
The Way to Good Health...
A concise and easily understood guidebook to Chinese herbal medicine. The Way to Good Health with Chinese Herbs covers diet therapy for various problems and outlines herbal formulas for specific diseases.
Pao Dzi - An...
This publication is a translation from the French book Utilisation Clinique de la Pharmacopée Chinoise: Les Substances Medicinales Préparées by Philippe Sionneau. It is the first such publication in any Western language to discuss in a practical and exhaustive manner the study of pao zhi, the processing of medicinal substances for enhanced therapeutic effect. As such, it represents real ...
Chinese Medical...
This volume gives readers the familiarity with the script, strokes, meaning, usage, and pronounciation of the most common characters that compromise many medicinal names. Often, these names provide additional insights into the substances themselves. The relative frequency of these characters in medical Chinese makes this text a must for any student or practitioner seeking to expand their...
Clinical Handbook of...
This work is a presentation of TCM prepared ("patent") medicines by an experienced Chinese practitioner who has significant experience training American students and treating American patients. Each formula is identified by Chinese, pinyin and a "generic" English name. Thus, cross reference is possible without reference to characters. Ingredient names are presented in pinyin and as pharm...